Camilla Granåsen
Where did the stork drop you off?
The south of Sweden, but I was quickly brought by humans to Umeå, located in the north of Sweden with close proximity to Santa, snow and reindeers.
What makes you want to jump out of bed happy?
Adventure and having a puzzle to figure out!
What did you want to be growing up?
A cleaning woman or a clown.
Most desired superhero skill?
I would love to be able to fly, with a monogrammed sequined cape, of course.
Guilty pleasure?
Chocolate, anytime, anywhere, all around me.
Songs that make you want to dance?
Stevie Wonder “As”. Don’t even know what the song is about, but it gets me going in a second.
Favorite place on Earth?
Italy in the summer. Swimming in lakes, beaches, old stuff to marvel at, divine food in gorgeous restaurants, crazy Italians, little villages, gelato, long lunches, hot summer nights, fabulous fashion, affogato (google it!), great bags. What else could I possibly need?
Who would play you in a movie?
Ingrid Bergman.
What genre would the movie be?
A Romantic Action Adventure (spoiler alert, there’s a happy ending).
Favorite movie?
Mamma Mia! because of, well, everything, including a sequel! And, I am going to give Little Big Man, an honorable mention, because it was one of the first movies that had a profound effect on me. In the movie, Dustin Hoffman, a 112-year-old man, retells the story of his life, from being raised by Native American Indians to becoming a gunslinger, and many other lives in between. It blew me away, and I decided there and then, that I was going to live my life to the fullest, trying my hand at everything. Who knows, maybe there’s still a gunslinger left in me?
Greatest TV show of all times?
Downton Abbey. The wit, the locations, the plots, the accents, THE Maggie Smith.
Ultimate movie location?
A moody castle on a windswept beach in Scotland.
Which five people would you like to invite for dinner?
Susan B Anthony, Cardi B, Oscar Wilde, Mary Poppins, Nelson Mandela, Anne Boleyn, Harry Potter, Steve Martin. Clearly, I have a hard time controlling the number of guests, but they all said yes, and the more the merrier!
Best gift you ever received?
My nieces and nephews!